Sponsored by Piovan Group
A trusted
global partner
with more than
50 years of history
At European Ingredients Supply & Services we service customers (read partners) by offering high quality ingredients. Specialized in high quality soybean derivatives such as full-fat soy flours, grits, textured and defatted soy proteins and organic emulsifiers.
Piovan Group is a global leader in the development and production of auxiliary automation systems for storage, conveying and processing of polymers, plastic and food powders.
Guided by Innovation
We have always been driven by the passion to grow through innovation. This instinct has never changed, right from the moment the company took its first steps on the international stage up to the present day. Innovation is one of our fundamental values and leads all our organization.
We want to be recognised as the supplier of excellence in the field of machinery and engineering systems to ensure our customers the maximum added value. In achieving this aim, our people acquire the fundamental role and are the real drivers in the development of innovative solutions.
Nowadays, the Group R&D division employs more than 170 specialist professionals who are capable of analysing different production challenges and putting their extensive range of skills to use. Our team can transform stand-alone technology and products into profitable solutions and tangible benefits for customers.
Understanding our customers needs
We are close to our customers on a worldwide basis, from the initial planning stage through to the installation and start up of the system, ensuring continuous follow-up for optimal functioning. The technical skills and dedication of our people play a key role in ensuring reliable operation of our equipment.
A Piovan Group customer always feels unique.
Worldwide attitude
Piovan Group is a multinational organization with 7 production facilities, 29 services and sale companies, and a distribution network that covers about 70 countries, the Piovan Group provides service and support to its customers around the world.

About us
Headquartered in Santa Maria di Sala, Venice, the Group was born from Piovan, founded in 1934 as a mechanical engineering company; in 1964 enters the plastics industry and specializes in the manufacturing of auxiliary equipment.
Our passion, tenacity, and constant determination have allowed us to strengthen our presence worldwide becoming a multinational corporation. Thanks to our continuous growth, we have extended our presence also to Food and Cooling industries, bringing its experience in process fluid treatment and providing across-the-board solutions for industrial refrigeration and temperature control.
In October 2018, Piovan S.p.A. enters the Italian Stock Exchange: an important milestone for our company and a new challenge for the whole Group.
Brands of Piovan Group are: Universal Dynamics (USA), Fdm (Germany), Energys (Italy), Aquatech (Italy) Penta (Italy) and Progema.

Contact Information
Piovan Group
Via delle Industrie 16,
30036, S. Maria di Sala (VE)
Phone +39 041 5799111 |