Revolutionize your dry food packaging with the first sealed paper packaging

The protection your product deserves

Tightly sealed paper packages keep contamination out and food particles in (FDA and BfR certified).

Sustainability at your fingertips

Save resources with the renewable and completely recyclable Axello®ZAP paper packaging material from BillerudKorsnäs.

Stand out from the competition

High quality pillow, gusseted and block bottom bags keep the shelfs in store and at home clean.

Lower fee

With Axello®ZAP paper the packaging waste fees are lower compared to traditional plastic bags

Perfect for a broad range of dry food products






Oats & Muesli

Explore the evolution of sealed paper packaging

Revolutionize your brand by using the innovative technology from two leading packaging solution providers.

Making the sustainable choice

Using only mono-material Axello®ZAP paper, you can achieve greater consumer impact while limiting the effect on the environment. The unique mechanical properties of the paper provide optimal processing and excellent stability while retaining natural character.

Let us strive for a  sustainable future 

Are you ready to take your first steps towards sustainable packaging?

Register now for our Sealed Paper Packaging event at Bosch Packaging in Waiblingen, Germany, 27 September.

Or learn more on our dedicated
website below
Bosch - BillerudKorsnäs

Register for the event

Visit the website