In this issue
Issue 58 • May 2021

Welcome to our 58th edition of Inside Packaging.
This month, along with our usual industry news and analysis, we cast a keen eye to metals in packaging – serendipitous, given the news of Ardagh's senior notes offering of $1.05bn, as well as the company's merger with Gores Holdings.
Some readers may have noticed Ball Corp's continued efforts to position their aluminium cup as an alternative to plastic or paper formats, both in foodservice and live events. Many watched with intrigue last year when the company announced its plans for the Super Bowl, and following more seemingly successful trials and strategic partnerships, the product certainly does look to be picking up momentum.
The core argument of the concept is that an aluminium cup will be more sustainable than paper or plastics, given its durability and recyclability. But given the energy-intensive methods of production, how does this stand up compared to paper or plastic? We dig into the matter in this issue.
As well as this, we also follow up on our previous coverage of the new UK Deposit Return Scheme; this time asking what the implications will be for UK metal recycling, as well as looking across the pond at how the Biden administration could shake things up for US aluminium.
For all of this, and much more, read on.
Peter Nilson, editor