The briefing on the latest packaging developments
The trends and data you need to know about the industry
In numbers
7.5 million
The 2018 total production volume of bio-based polymers in tonnes; the sector has an expected CAGR of 4% to 2023.
Source: Packaging World
The predicted value of the pharmaceutical packaging market by 2026, with a CAGR of 8.75%.
Source: Packaging Europe
The value of Australian packaging company Amcor’s now approved merger with US-based flexible packaging major Bemis.
Source: Compelo
The minimum amount of recycled content for plastic packaging to avoid a tax being considered by the UK Government.
Source: Gov.UK
The average glass recycling rate in the EU28, with glass remaining the best performing food grade closed loop globally.
Source: Packaging Europe
The number of new refillable and reusable designs P&G has produced for the Loop shopping platform.
Source: Packaging World
The money raised by Waitrose & Partners for projects tackling plastic pollution.
Source: Packaging Today
In the pipeline:
Frugalpac expands mass production of fully recyclable products
Frugalpac is working to produce the world’s first mass-produced fully recyclable coffee cups, paper cartons and paper bottles. The company is rapidly expanding following a seven-figure investment and opened a new manufacturing site in North Wales earlier in the month.
Source: East Anglian Daily Times