transparent packaging
Staeger Packaging makes transparent packaging and thermo forms from recycled PET ( see photo). There are three sites, UK, Switzerland & the Czech Republic, with a Sales office in Germany. We are considered to be the market leader in transparent packaging in Europe!
Anyone who saw the David Attenborough film on UK television a while ago (The Blue Planet), could not help be very alarmed and sad about the amount of plastic waste that exists in our seas at the moment (and the damage it causes). If we consider ourselves to be the custodians of our planet, this generation does not seem to be doing a very good job! Equally the European Union, quite rightly, has called for an end to single use plastic. What can be done by Staeger?
Since I sold my company to Stager of Switzerland, I now have the pleasure of collaborating with my European colleagues over a number of issues. The environmental topic is always at the top of our Agenda. As you know we make packaging from plastic and are thus a target!

Firstly over the last few years we have converted our raw material from APET to recycled PET with 60% Post- consumer waste “ Recyclear TM”. This feedstock complies with the Marks and Spencer and the European specification for food grade recycled PET. The fact that it is 60% PCW allows it to be put through the recycling cycle 7/8 times without it becoming degraded and needing surface tension (IV) treatment. In the UK our Household plastic waste would be collected by the Councils and deposited at the MRF’s (Material Recovery Facilities) where the plastic would be sorted into polymers and colour coded by near infrared technology. This would give a 95% purity. Our waste would then be baled as either clear or coloured. The Clear would find its way to the PET recycling companies for processing into new food grade recyclate and the coloured would probably be exported for further recycling and use in the garment industry (fleeces etc.) Nearer home it could be used to make new black CPET.
As you can see our plastic is not one use plastic, it is recycled (water bottle flake mainly) and recyclable 7/8 times, before further treatment.

In addition, we have commissioned some research by the National Non Food Crop Centre, York, UK, with the help of a EU grant, to look into Bio Plastics. More specifically we are looking for a Bio Plastic that could degrade in water, over a period of time, into its plant feedstock, thus not polluting any Eco system if it falls foul of the Circular economy !.
Transparent packaging is very useful for showing the consumer what is in the pack and helps to avoid over packaging. What you see is what you get! It is also very strong and protects the products very well and thus helps to avoid food waste, which is another huge problem. It is certainly not single use packaging!
Finally, everyone at Staeger takes the environmental issues very seriously and albeit we do manufacture plastic packaging, we make every effort to ensure our planet is unharmed by its products and processes!
Staeger Clear Packaging Ltd
Unit 1 Swallowgate Business Park
Tel: 024 76 581197
Fax: 024 76 581215